Thursday, March 30, 2017

Flag desecration

Burning the flag is the most disrespectful thing that we, as Americans can possibly do.
There is a term that is called, "Flag desecration." By Wikipedia definition that means, "a various sets of acts that intentionally destroy, damage, or mutilate a flag in publics." There are ways to go about owning a flag and having ownership in it and that is why we have flag protocols.

People might argue that it shouldn't be illegal because of the first amendment that states freedom of speech. However, I can't help but think about the significance of the flag and what it actually means. Why would anyone want to burn a flag that means we have independence and freedom? Why would anyone want to burn the flag that so many have sacrificed their lives for? There are so many ways that people could protest instead of burning, tearing, ripping our sacred flag. You wouldn't burn something like our constitution or our entire White House. Yeah it's just a piece of fabric, but there is just as much significance in it as our constitution or The White House.

Other countries actually do agree with this and do have set laws for their citizens about what happens when they do burn the flag. For example, Italy has a desecration law that can put citizens in jail for up to 2 years. China, up to 3 years. Mexico, up to 4 years. And Turkey is a whopping eighteen years! I know they don't have a constitution like ours that states freedom of speech and also a supreme court that overlooks the constitution, but I'd have to agree with how those countries are doing it.

I don't believe as strongly as Trump to go as far as "jail time," but at least a nice fine if caught. It's not right that this should even be legal. Especially since we have protocols that are so sensitive that even if the flag touches the ground, it be retired.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% that burning the flag is wrong. It is disgracing our country and everything that it stands for. People burn and desecrate the flag in order to make a point that they do not agree with something that our Country is or isn't doing. In a way they are protesting and by desecrating the flag are saying they want no part in whatever it is they are protesting. Since it is not illegal to burn the flag there is not much we can do to stop it. While I think it is wrong to desecrate the flag, I do not think that it should be illegal. I do believe, however, that there are better ways of protesting. Instead of desecrating the flag people could participate in a protest, write a letter to their congressperson, or simply make a youtube video telling the whole world how displeased they are with what our country is doing.
